OK, this traffic officially SUCKS!
Summer of fun is all over - time to go back east :(
arizona flag
los angeles to the grand canyon
leg 5
repo men
santa fe freight train in the mohave desert

needles, ca, the first place we found since greater LA that actually had food...

Leg 1 (Boston to Lewisburg, PA)
Leg 2 (Lewisburg to Des Moines)
Leg 3 (Des Moines to Vail, CO)
Leg 4 (Vail to LA)

Leg 5 (LA to The Grand Canyon)
Leg 6 (The Grand Canyon to Roswell, NM)
Leg 7 (Roswell, NM to Memphis, TN)
Leg 8 (Memphis, TN to Roanoke, VA)
Leg 9 (Roanoke, VA to Boston, MA)

lost highway

and back to the land of no daylight savings time...

to paraphrase the late kurt vonnegut, "if god was going to give the earth an enema, he'd stick it in needles, ca"
and on to Leg 6...
LA trafffic
needles, ca
santa fe train
repo map

hey, isn't this where repo man took place?

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